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Detailed Translations for validerai from French to English

validerai form of valider:

valider verb (valide, valides, validons, validez, )

  1. valider (ratifier; confirmer; sceller; entériner)
    to confirm; to validate; to ratify; to support; to uphold; to bear out; to seal
    • confirm verb (confirms, confirmed, confirming)
    • validate verb (validates, validated, validating)
    • ratify verb (ratifies, ratified, ratifying)
    • support verb (supports, supported, supporting)
    • uphold verb (upholds, upheld, upholding)
    • bear out verb (bears out, bearing out)
    • seal verb (seals, sealed, sealing)
  2. valider (ratifier; authentifier; confirmer; entériner; authentiquer)
    to certify; to authenticate; to notice; to confirm; to ratify; to assent; to uphold; to signal
    • certify verb (certifies, certified, certifying)
    • authenticate verb (authenticates, authenticated, authenticating)
    • notice verb (notices, noticed, noticing)
    • confirm verb (confirms, confirmed, confirming)
    • ratify verb (ratifies, ratified, ratifying)
    • assent verb (assents, assented, assenting)
    • uphold verb (upholds, upheld, upholding)
    • signal verb (signals, signalled, signalling)
  3. valider
    to validate
    • validate verb (validates, validated, validating)
  4. valider
    to validate
    – To compare files on local volumes with their associated data in secondary storage by Remote Storage. Validating files ensures that all the files on the managed volumes point to valid and correct data in remote storage. It also recalculates volume statistics. 1
    • validate verb (validates, validated, validating)
  5. valider
    to validate
    – To ensure that all data sources that are used by a KPI or scorecard are available. 1
    • validate verb (validates, validated, validating)
  6. valider
    to validate
    – To use an online process to confirm whether installed software was properly activated. 1
    • validate verb (validates, validated, validating)

Conjugations for valider:

  1. valide
  2. valides
  3. valide
  4. validons
  5. validez
  6. valident
  1. validais
  2. validais
  3. validait
  4. validions
  5. validiez
  6. validaient
passé simple
  1. validai
  2. validas
  3. valida
  4. validâmes
  5. validâtes
  6. validèrent
futur simple
  1. validerai
  2. valideras
  3. validera
  4. validerons
  5. validerez
  6. valideront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je valide
  2. que tu valides
  3. qu'il valide
  4. que nous validions
  5. que vous validiez
  6. qu'ils valident
conditionnel présent
  1. validerais
  2. validerais
  3. validerait
  4. validerions
  5. valideriez
  6. valideraient
passé composé
  1. ai validé
  2. as validé
  3. a validé
  4. avons validé
  5. avez validé
  6. ont validé
  1. valide!
  2. validez!
  3. validons!
  4. validé
  5. validant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles


  1. valider
    the commit
    – An operation that saves all changes to databases, cubes, or dimensions made since the start of a transaction. 1

Translation Matrix for valider:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
assent accord; approbation; consentement; succès
commit valider
notice appel; attention; attraction; avertissement; avis; communication; congé; dénonciation du contrat de location; faire-part; information préalable; mise au courant; regards; renseignement; renvoi; éclaircissement
seal cachet; cachet de cire; cachet à cire; choix; empreinte; estampe; estampille; garant; garantie; garantie d'authenticité; garantie de qualité; indicateur; jauge; loup de mer; marque; phoque; poinçon; sceau; scellement; tampon; timbre; timbre-quittance; étalonnage
signal avertissement; avis; geste; indice; marque; signal; signal sonore; signe; signe de tête; top sonore
support activation; adhérer à; aide; allumage; appui; appui pour le dos; assistance; chevalet; collaboration; contre-fiche; contrefort; encouragement; entretien; excitation; exciter; faveur; grâce; incitation; inciter; messe; mise en marche; piédestal; point d'appui; prise; propulsion; réconfort; secours; service; socle; soutenir; soutien; soutien pour le dos; stimulation; stimuler; support; tréteau; étai; être partisan de
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
assent authentifier; authentiquer; confirmer; entériner; ratifier; valider
authenticate authentifier; authentiquer; confirmer; entériner; ratifier; valider
bear out confirmer; entériner; ratifier; sceller; valider
certify authentifier; authentiquer; confirmer; entériner; ratifier; valider
commit commettre; commettre un acte; exécuter; faire; faire accidentellement
confirm authentifier; authentiquer; confirmer; entériner; ratifier; sceller; valider adhérer à; approuver; attacher; autoriser; confirmer; consentir; donner le feu vert à; déclarer bon; fixer; lier; permettre; souscire à
notice authentifier; authentiquer; confirmer; entériner; ratifier; valider apercevoir; constater; discerner; distinguer; embrasser du regard; enregistrer; faire observer; faire remarquer; observer; percevoir; regarder; remarquer; s'apercevoir de; s'aviser de; se rendre compte de; signaler; voir
ratify authentifier; authentiquer; confirmer; entériner; ratifier; sceller; valider ratifier
seal confirmer; entériner; ratifier; sceller; valider apposer les scellés; cacheter; calfeutrer; colmater; composter; isoler; oblitérer; obturer; plomber; pointer; rendre résistant au froid; sceller; tamponner; taper; timbrer
signal authentifier; authentiquer; confirmer; entériner; ratifier; valider apercevoir; appeler l'attention sur; attirer l'attention sur; constater; câbler; faire des signaux; indiquer; montrer; remarquer; se rendre compte de; signaler; télégraphier
support confirmer; entériner; ratifier; sceller; valider activer; aider; animer; approuver; appuyer; appuyer financièrement; arc-bouter; avoir soin de; boiser; chevaler; consentir; conserver; consolider; contrebouter; donner des soins à; défendre; enflammer; entretenir; financer; fortifier; maintenir en état; nourrir; plaider; porter; porter avec effort; pourvoir; prendre soin de; raviver; se charger de; seconder; secourir; soutenir; stimuler; veiller à quelque chose; vivifier; épauler; étançonner; étayer
uphold authentifier; authentiquer; confirmer; entériner; ratifier; sceller; valider conserver; garder; maintenir; retenir; se maintenir
validate confirmer; entériner; ratifier; sceller; valider approuver; autoriser; consentir; donner le feu vert à; déclarer bon; permettre; ratifier

Synonyms for "valider":

Wiktionary Translations for valider:

  1. rendre valide, déclarer valide.
  1. (computing) activate the OK button
  2. check the validity of

Cross Translation:
valider be valid valideren — intr|nld (formeel, nld) geldig, van kracht zijn
valider validate validieren — (transitiv) etwas auf Gültigkeit prüfen, die Richtigkeit einer Methode beispielhaft testen
valider validate validieren — (transitiv)veraltet: etwas rechtsgültig machen, für rechtsgültig erklären