French to Swedish: more detail...
The word noirâtre exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from French to Swedish.-
Synonyms for "noirâtre":
fuligineux; charbonneux; fumeux; obscur; noiraud; sombre
Synonyms for "noirâtre":
Detailed Translations for noirâtre from French to Swedish
noirâtre: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- noir: svart; mörk; mörkt; neger; färgad; mörker; dunkel; färgad person; otydlighet; nedstämd; sorgset; nedstämt; svårmodig; svarthet; melankoliskt; svårmodigt
- âtre: brasa; öppen spis
- être: vara någonstans; person; människa; individ; varelse; skapelse
Spelling Suggestions for: noirâtre
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Synonyms for "noirâtre":
External Machine Translations:
Suggestions for noirâtre in Swedish
Spelling Suggestions for: noirâtre
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External Machine Translations: