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Detailed Translations for harder from Dutch to English

harder form of hard:

Translation Matrix for hard:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
callous eelt; eeltlaag; eeltplek
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
blatant hard; luid; luid klinkend gewoonweg; klinkklaar; lawaaierig; luid; luidruchtig; opzichtig; protserig; puur; regelrecht; ronduit; rumoerig; schreeuwerig
callous hard; hardvochtig; onbarmhartig; ongenadig geen pijn voelend; gevoelloos; niet-voelend
cruel hard; hardvochtig; onbarmhartig; ongenadig barbaars; beestachtig; bloeddorstig; bruut; inhumaan; monsterlijk; onmenselijk; wreed
dispassionate emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; ongevoelig; zielloos
emotionless emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; ongevoelig; zielloos
harsh hard; hardhandig; hardvochtig; onbarmhartig; ongenadig; onzacht; ruw
heartless emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; onbarmhartig; ongenadig; ongevoelig; zielloos genadeloos; meedogenloos; onbarmhartig; ongenadig
impassive emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; ongevoelig; zielloos geen pijn voelend; gelaten; gevoelloos; koelbloedig; niet-voelend; onaandoenlijk; onbewogen; onverschillig; stoïcijns
indifferent emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; ongevoelig; zielloos indifferent; laconiek; lauw; ongevoelig; ongeïnteresseerd; onverschillig
insensitive emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; ongevoelig; zielloos onbegaan; ongevoelig
merciless hard; hardvochtig; onbarmhartig; ongenadig genadeloos; meedogenloos; onbarmhartig; ongenadig
pitiless hard; hardvochtig; onbarmhartig; ongenadig genadeloos; meedogenloos; onbarmhartig; ongenadig
relentless hard; hardvochtig; onbarmhartig; ongenadig dwangmatig
ruthless hard; hardvochtig; onbarmhartig; ongenadig genadeloos; meedogeloos; meedogenloos; onbarmhartig; ongenadig; wreed
showy hard; luid; luid klinkend opzichtig; protserig; schreeuwerig; spectaculair
shrill hard; hoog; schel; scherp; schril; snerpend doordringend; hel; indringend; schel klinkend; scherp; scherpklinkend
soulless emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; ongevoelig; zielloos
uncaring emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; ongevoelig; zielloos
unfeeling emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; ongevoelig; zielloos geen pijn voelend; gevoelloos; niet-voelend; onbehoorlijk; onfatsoenlijk; ongehoord; onpassend; onwelgevoegelijk
violent hard; hardhandig; onzacht; ruw aanrandend; agressief; erg; fel; gewelddadig; heftig; hevig; intens; intensief; krachtig; verwoed
- gauw; luid
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aloud hard; hardop; luid; luid klinkend luid; luidkeels; uit volle borst
loudly hard; luid; luid klinkend luid; luidkeels; uit volle borst
lustily hard; luid; luid klinkend
openly hard; luid; luid klinkend cru; met open vizier; onbewimpeld; onomwonden; onverbloemd; onverholen; openhartig; openlijk; rechttoe rechtaan; rondborstig; ronduit; ruiterlijk
out loud hard; hardop; luid luid; luidkeels; uit volle borst
very fast hard; keihard; met hoge snelheid zeer snel
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- snel
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
as fast as a bullet hard; keihard; met hoge snelheid
at the top of one's voice hard; luid; luid klinkend
hard hard; hardhandig; hardvochtig; onbarmhartig; ongenadig; onzacht; ruw benard; benauwd; bikkelhard; ernstig; hachelijk; ijzerhard; kalkachtig; kalkhoudend; keihard; kritiek; kritisch; lastig; moeilijk; niet makkelijk; ongemakkelijk; penibel; problematisch; staalhard; steenhard; zorgelijk; zorgwekkend; zwaar
hard-handed hard; hardhandig; onzacht; ruw
hard-hearted emotieloos; gevoelloos; hard; hardvochtig; harteloos; liefdeloos; ongevoelig; zielloos
loud hard; luid; luid klinkend joelend; keihard; lawaaierig; luid; luidkeels; luidruchtig; oorverdovend; opschepperig; protsend; protserig; rumoerig; schreeuwend; schreeuwerig; uit volle borst
rough hard; hardhandig; onzacht; ruw bobbelig; geaccidenteerd; globaal; hobbelig; in grote lijnen; niet glad; oneffen; ongelijkmatig; ruige; ruw
stone-hard hard; keihard; met hoge snelheid bikkelhard; ijzerhard; keihard; staalhard; steenhard

Related Words for "hard":

  • hardheid, harder, hardere, hardst, hardste

Synonyms for "hard":

Antonyms for "hard":

Related Definitions for "hard":

  1. heel erg1
    • je hebt je rust hard nodig1
  2. met grote vaart1
    • hij rijdt veel te hard1
  3. hevig of krachtig1
    • er stond een harde wind1
  4. met veel kalk erin1
    • het water is hier hard1
  5. moeilijk of zwaar1
    • dat is erg hard voor hem1
  6. niet goed in te drukken1
    • het vriest, dus de grond is hard1
  7. streng en zonder medelijden1
    • de minister neemt harde maatregelen1
  8. waar bewijzen voor zijn1
    • de harde cijfers tonen aan dat hij gelogen heeft1
  9. krachtig, overduidelijk te horen1
    • die harde muziek komt van boven1

Wiktionary Translations for hard:

  1. of a sound
  2. of water, high in dissolved calcium compounds
  3. severe
  4. resistant to pressure
  5. emotionally hardened
  1. thing that is awkward or difficult to understand
  2. -

Cross Translation:
hard loud laut — von Ton und Stimmen : stark, intensiv
hard unrelenting; implacable airain — Symbole de la dureté. (2)
hard austere; severe; strict; harsh; sharp; stark; stern austère — Qui est rigoureux pour le corps et qui mortifier les sens et l’esprit. — note Se dit surtout des doctrines et des pratiques religieux.
hard hard; difficult; inconvenient; tough; arduous dur — Qui, par suite de sa fermeté, est difficile à pénétrer, à entamer.
hard loud; lofty; high haut — Qui élever. — note Par opposition à bas et à petit, en parlant d’un objet considérer par rapport à tous les autres objets du même genre, ou seulement par comparaison à un ou à plusieurs autres.
hard ruthless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; intransigent; obdurate; uncompromising; callous; hardline impitoyable — Qui est insensible à la pitié, qui est sans pitié.
hard aural; sonorous; resonant; sonic; loud sonore — Qui rendre un son.
hard severe; strict; austere; hard; harsh; sharp; stark; stern; tough sévère — Qui est rigide, sans indulgence.

Wiktionary Translations for harder:

  1. Mugil curema, een straalvinnige vissoort
  1. fish

External Machine Translations:


Detailed Translations for harder from English to Dutch


Translation Matrix for harder:

ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
erger harder; more arduous; more difficult; more trying; worse worse
moeilijker harder; more arduous; more difficult; more trying; worse

harder form of hard:

Translation Matrix for hard:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
kritiek comment; criticism; critique; discussion; remark; review
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
benard awkward; critical; hard; painful; perilous; precarious; review; worrisome
benauwd awkward; critical; hard; painful; perilous; precarious; review; worrisome close; muggy; musty; stale; stifling; stuffy; sultry; sweltering
bikkelhard abrasive; as hard as a nails; hard; hard as iron; hard as steel; hard as stone; iron-hard; stone-hard rock-hard; very hard
ernstig awkward; critical; hard; painful; perilous; precarious; review; worrisome critical; earnest; grave; serious; severe; sincere; worrying
hachelijk awkward; critical; hard; painful; perilous; precarious; review; worrisome critical; dangerous; deceptive; delicate; hazardous; perilous; precarious; risky; touchy; unsafe
hard callous; cruel; hard; hard-handed; harsh; heartless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; rough; ruthless; violent aloud; as fast as a bullet; at the top of one's voice; blatant; dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensitive; loud; loudly; lustily; openly; out loud; showy; shrill; soulless; stone-hard; uncaring; unfeeling; very fast
hardhandig hard; hard-handed; harsh; rough; violent
hardvochtig callous; cruel; hard; harsh; heartless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; ruthless dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensitive; soulless; uncaring; unfeeling
kalkachtig calcareous; calciferous; hard; limy
kalkhoudend calcareous; calciferous; hard; limy
keihard abrasive; as hard as a nails; hard; hard as iron; hard as steel; hard as stone; iron-hard; stone-hard as fast as a bullet; as hard as nails; as hard as rock; deafening; loud; rock-hard; stone-hard; very fast; very hard
kritiek awkward; critical; hard; painful; perilous; precarious; review; worrisome critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy
kritisch critical; difficult; hard; problematic; trying
lastig awkward; burdensome; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; stiff; tough aggravating; annoying; awkward; boring; bothersome; critical; delicate; disagreeable; dreadful; dull; hindrance-causing; ill-timed; incompetent; inconvenient; incriminating; perilous; precarious; touchy; tough; tricky; troublesome; unfit; unpleasant; unsuitable; unwelcome
moeilijk awkward; burdensome; critical; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; problematic; stiff; tough; trying
onbarmhartig callous; cruel; hard; harsh; heartless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; ruthless heartless; merciless; pitiless; ruthless
ongemakkelijk awkward; burdensome; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; stiff; tough awkward; hindrance-causing; ill-at-ease; inconvenient; uncomfortable
ongenadig callous; cruel; hard; harsh; heartless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; ruthless heartless; merciless; pitiless; ruthless
onzacht hard; hard-handed; harsh; rough; violent abrupt; blunt; curt; short; steep
penibel awkward; critical; hard; painful; perilous; precarious; review; worrisome critical; delicate; perilous; precarious; touchy
problematisch critical; difficult; hard; problematic; trying difficult; problematic; problematical
ruw hard; hard-handed; harsh; rough; violent big-boned; feral; heavily-built; hefty; rough; stocky; unbroken; unprocessed; untamed; wild
staalhard abrasive; as hard as a nails; hard; hard as iron; hard as steel; hard as stone; iron-hard; stone-hard
steenhard abrasive; as hard as a nails; hard; hard as iron; hard as steel; hard as stone; iron-hard; stone-hard
zorgelijk awkward; critical; hard; painful; perilous; precarious; review; worrisome alarming; disturbing; worrisome
zorgwekkend awkward; critical; hard; painful; perilous; precarious; review; worrisome alarming; disturbing; worrisome
zwaar awkward; burdensome; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; stiff; tough burdensome; filling; heavily built; heavy; heavyset; massive; oppressing; oppressive; rich
- concentrated; difficult; heavy; intemperate; knockout; severe; strong; surd; tough; unvoiced; voiceless
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- firmly; heavily; intemperately; severely
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- strenuous
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
ijzerhard abrasive; as hard as a nails; hard; hard as iron; hard as steel; hard as stone; iron-hard; stone-hard
niet makkelijk awkward; burdensome; difficult; hard; heavy; massive; stiff; tough

Related Words for "hard":

Synonyms for "hard":

Antonyms for "hard":

Related Definitions for "hard":

  1. not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure2
    • why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?2
  2. dried out2
    • hard dry rolls left over from the day before2
  3. unfortunate or hard to bear2
    • had hard luck2
  4. resisting weight or pressure2
  5. dispassionate2
    • took a hard look2
    • a hard bargainer2
  6. (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum2
    • Russian distinguished between hard consonants and palatalized or soft consonants2
  7. (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source2
  8. being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content2
    • hard liquor2
  9. given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors2
    • a hard drinker2
  10. produced without vibration of the vocal cords2
  11. very strong or vigorous2
    • a hard left to the chin2
  12. with effort or force or vigor2
    • the team played hard2
    • worked hard all day2
    • pressed hard on the lever2
    • hit the ball hard2
    • slammed the door hard2
  13. to the full extent possible; all the way2
    • hard alee2
    • the ship went hard astern2
    • swung the wheel hard left2
  14. slowly and with difficulty2
    • prejudices die hard2
  15. causing great damage or hardship2
    • industries hit hard by the depression2
  16. with firmness2
    • held hard to the railing2
  17. earnestly or intently2
    • thought hard about it2
    • stared hard at the accused2
  18. with pain or distress or bitterness2
    • he took the rejection very hard2
  19. very near or close in space or time2
    • it stands hard by the railroad tracks2
    • they were hard on his heels2
    • a strike followed hard upon the plant's opening2
  20. into a solid condition2
    • concrete that sets hard within a few hours2
  21. indulging excessively2

Wiktionary Translations for hard:

  1. of water, high in dissolved calcium compounds
  2. of drink: strong
  3. unquestionable
  4. severe
  5. demanding a lot of effort to endure
  6. requiring a lot of effort to do or understand
  7. resistant to pressure
  1. (informeel) een stijve penis
  1. geconcentreerd

Cross Translation:
hard stug hart — nur mit großem Kraftaufwand verformbar
hard stug hart — mit großer Kraft
hard stug hart — nicht von Mitleid, Mitgefühl oder Barmherzigkeit geleitet - derart, dass es an Grausamkeit grenzt.
hard moeilijk; lastig; slim; zwaar difficile — Non facile, qui nécessite un grand effort.
hard hard; onzacht; stug; moeilijk; lastig; slim; zwaar dur — Qui, par suite de sa fermeté, est difficile à pénétrer, à entamer.
hard gevestigd; hecht; stevig; vast ferme — Qui a de la consistance, de la dureté.
hard moeilijk; moeitevol; moeizaam; zuur; zwaar; arbeidzaam; ijverig; nijver; vlijtig; werkzaam; naarstig laborieux — Qui travaille beaucoup, qui aime le travail.
hard bedroevend; droevig; triest; moeilijk; moeitevol; moeizaam; zuur; zwaar; droef; smartelijk; treurig; deerlijk; pijnlijk; zeer pénible — Qui se fait avec peine, qui donne de la peine, de la fatigue.
hard bar; duchtig; hard; straf; streng; zwaar sévère — Qui est rigide, sans indulgence.

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for harder