Detailed Translations for slå med lie from Swedish to English
slå med lie: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- SLA: SLA; service level agreement
- slå: bang; hammer; thump; strike; beat; hit; batter; smack; smash; winner; smasher; smash hit; slap; hurt; bruise; belt; pound; punch; ache; wound; clip; slam; injure; mow; quell; contuse
- slöa: idle; laze
- söla: linger; waffle; loiter; tarry; dawdle
- med: with; too; join; associate; along
- lie: scythe
Wiktionary Translations for slå med lie:
slå med lie
to cut with a scythe
- scythe → slå; slå med lie
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