Detailed Translations for sömn from Swedish to Spanish
Translation Matrix for sömn:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
ganas de dormir | sömn | |
sueño | sömn | luftslott; önskedröm |
Wiktionary Translations for sömn:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• sömn | → sueño | ↔ slaap — periode van inactiviteit |
• sömn | → sueño | ↔ Schlaf — Zustand der Ruhe eines Tieres oder Menschen |
• sömn | → sueño; dormir | ↔ sleep — state of reduced consciousness |
• sömn | → legaña; lagaña; chele | ↔ sleep — substance found in the corner of the eyes / figurative objectification of sleep |
• sömn | → sueño | ↔ sommeil — État inconscient nécessaire à la vie. (Sens général). |